
Ask Me About the Elephant

Ask Me About The Elephant

Chris Johnson

(c) 2013-2014

This is not so much about elephants as it is about yourself.

If you were born in the 1970's or before that, you are probably able to remember the days of going to a circus and seeing an elephant tethered by a chain to its leg. The chain (or even a rope) was attached to a peg stuck in the ground.

That elephant, my friend, is you. It is strong, noble and wise, powerful, intelligent and able to hold its own in harsher environments than our modern living.

An elephant is a strong creature more than capable of knocking down trees, moving and lifting heavy weights with its muscular trunk. It is even able to move obstacles MUCH STRONGER THAN THE CHAIN AROUND ITS LEG!!

So why is it able to do these things and yet a flimsy looking chain on a stake can hold the elephant in check?

When an elephant is only a baby, the animal handlers attach it to the rope and stake. As a baby, the elephant is still quite weak and the peg is sufficient to hold it.

Like any other free spirit, it will fight against the chain or the rope. It will tug and pull and whinge and complain as it learns that it simply isn't going anywhere while it's caught on that rope.

Its mind becomes conditioned so much that the proud elephant becomes complacent and gives in. In fact its mind is so powerful that it tells itself that it will never ever be able to move that stake.

Elephants have a long memory and so, even when it has grown to an adult size and is physically able to move that stake and rope, it does not even try!

Effectively it becomes its own captive!

Earlier I said that YOU are this elephant and there is a reason why. I don't mean you specifically as the point is that we are all that elephant in one way or another.

That chain and stake represents your own self-limiting beliefs.

Do you remember when you tried to do things as a child and some things appeared REALLY HARD TO DO? Either you were not strong enough at the time to lift something or you just could not get the knack because your coordination was not right at the time. Or maybe something else held you back.

You may have tried very hard to do it but eventually gave up.

This could happen in adult years too when getting a job in the area you want is difficult. Maybe you gave up on finding the right life partner? Maybe you gave up at a particular sport or pasttime because of one thing or another.

Either way, you had enough references to create a negative belief that something could not be done... so why bother?

You, my friend, became that elephant. We all have in one way or another.

Here's the good news.

Just like that elephant, we are capable of learning extraordinary things, to develop, to adapt, to break free. To grow!

If you showed that elephant that it can walk off, carrying that chain and stake behind it like a toothpick, it would learn that the only thing holding it back was its self-limiting belief.

What chain and stake are you letting hold you back?

When are you going to realise your own personal power?

When are you going to make the decision to move forward?

It's time to break free from your self-imposed chain and stake and live your dreams!

ESPecially best wishes,

Chris Johnson - Mentalist & Public Speaker

PS: To learn how to release your own inner elephant spirit and strength, visit me at www.thementalist.com.au and book in a time for a psi-q consultation.